General Questions

If you have a question that isn't answered here, please contact us.

Who qualifies to be a member?

Every individual qualifies. Whether a Government Worker or a Private individual in a formal or informal sector.

Where To Find Service Providers?

We have over 800 service providers all over the country, to know service providers around you, you can visit the service providers page on our website or use the premier app

What Facilities Are Exclusive?

All facilities are accessible in times of emergency otherwise, you are excluded from certain facilities based on your plan choice.

What Facilities Are For Referrals Only?

All facilities are accessible at anytime, no facilities are for referral purposes only.

Do I Always Need Prescription To Access Pharmacies?

Yes, to access drugs outside of a hospital, you are required to have a prescription from the Doctor.

How Do I Get Accredited As A Service Provider?

To be a PHI accredited service provider, please make an enquiry to our office for the process to becoming a Service Provider.

How Do I Know That A Facility Is Accredited To Serve Me?

An accredited facility will display a form Premier related flier or like document at their Premise.

You can always check our frequently updated list of facilities here as well

What To Do If I Am Denied Service At A Provider?

Please call any of the numbers behind your card before you leave the facility where you were denied service, so that we can quickly resolve the issue and provide you access to healthcare.

How Will Emergency Cases Be Handled?

In case of emergency please visit any facility and then take a receipt for their service, we shall pay for it after vetting the details.

Can I Visit Facilities Not In The Listings?

No please, you cannot visit facilities not in our listings.

What Happens When I Exceed My Limit?

Upon the exceeding of your limit, if you can afford, we will upgrade you to the next tier else we will have you surrender your card and revoke access to our facilities.

When Can I File For A Refund?

One can file for a refund in the case of over deduction of premium.

One can file for a refund in the case of emergency treatment in an unaccredited facility or pharmacy.

How Do I Know That A Facility Is Accredited To Serve Me?

A Premier Health Insurance flier should be displayed at the facility.

Why Am I Still Getting Deducted After Withdrawing From The Scheme?

Apologies, if you still get deductions after withdrawal, this happens mostly when the request to stop deductions has not taken effect at CAGD. A refund may be paid if your claims are true.

Kindly contact us when you notice such abnormalities.

What To Do When Deduction Stops?

When you are an active member and your deductions cease, please alert us, otherwise, you can’t use our facilities.

How Do I Get Accredited As A Service Provider?

To get accredited as a Service Provider, please send us an email

Do You Pay For Herbal Services?

No please, we do not pay for herbal services.

What To Do If I Am Denied Service At A Provider? Please Call Any Of Our Hotlines

Please call any of our hotlines, the moment you are denied service:

  • 050 3324 818
  • 024 333 555
  • 024 333 556
How Do I Access To Your App?

Visit this link to access the Premier App on your android phone:

Can Another Person Take My Card For Healthcare

No please, every membership card is exclusive to one user.

Below Is A Breakdown Of Common Insurance Terminologies
  • Premium: The monthly or annual amount that you must pay in order to have the exchange for insurance coverage.
  • Benefits: The health care items or services covered under a health insurance.
  • Exclusion: An exclusion is a policy provision that eliminates coverage for some type of risk.
  • Refund: An amount paid you when a certain service isn’t rendered but was equally deserving.
  • Cover: The amount of risk or liability that is covered for an individual.
  • Outpatient Limit: Covers conditions which do not require a patient to be admitted to a hospital.
  • Inpatient Limit: Covers conditions which require a patient to be admitted to a hospital.

Let's help you!

Call Center Numbers

+233 (0) 59 6920 715
+233 (0) 20 4333 555
+233 (0) 20 4333 556
+233 (0) 50 3324 818